🎮 Opening Day at #VALORANTMasters Madrid: Top 8 Teams Ready to Showcase "A Nuestra Manera"

The top 8 VALORANT teams are ready to show the world how they do things A Nuestra Manera! Welcome to Opening Day at #VALORANTMasters Madrid.
Times Of Tirap


Today marks the kickoff of the highly anticipated #VALORANTMasters Madrid tournament, where the top 8 VALORANT teams from around the world are poised to exhibit their skills "A Nuestra Manera" (Our Way). Fans can catch all the action of Day 1 live at valorantesports.com. Stay tuned for thrilling matches and intense competition as these elite teams battle it out for supremacy in the VALORANT arena! 🏆🔥


Exciting news for Valorant fans! Get ready to witness heart-pounding action during Masters Madrid, where exclusive Drops await lucky viewers. 


Tune in to live matches from March 14 to March 23 for a chance to earn coveted Drops, including a brand-new Title and Playercard. 

- Title: Ñ - Watch a live match between March 14 - March 23 to claim yours.

- Playercard: "VCT Push Up" - Catch the Grand Final on March 24 for this exclusive reward.


Don't miss out on the unveiling of a new Agent and an exhilarating Showmatch before the Grand Finals kick off!


Watch the tournament broadcasted in multiple languages across various platforms:

- Twitter: @valorantesports

- Facebook: /valorantesports

- Instagram: @valorantesports

- Official Photos: [Flickr](https://www.flickr.com/photos/valorantesports/albums)

- Official VALORANT Esports News: [valorantesports.com/news](https://valorantesports.com/news)

- Official Website: [valorantesports.com](https://valorantesports.com)

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