Today's #GoogleDoodle is celebrating International Women's Day #IWD2024

An occasional doodle is published on the Google Doodle Homepage and you can see the information about IWD here, through the medium of doodle women are
Times Of Tirap

Today's #GoogleDoodle is celebrating International Women's Day #IWD2024

Today's Google Doodle is celebrating International Women's Day. Google search engine has introduced digital illustration during (IWD 2024) The central element is a quilt, a traditional handicraft often associated with domesticity and femininity.  The quilt has various colorful patterns and a black cat draped over it.

The illustration depicts two South Asian women from different generations. The younger woman has long braided hair, the older woman is shown reading a book, and both women are wearing traditional clothing, which may be cultural  Indicating connection with heritage.

The light orange background with yellow and pink swirls adds a touch of warmth and vibrancy to the scene.  In the lower right corner, the letter "G" is seen displayed in a stylized font, recognizable as the logo of Google, the doodle's creator.

An occasional doodle is published on the Google Doodle Homepage and you can see the information about IWD here, through the medium of doodle women are sitting on the throne of providing knowledge to humans. "This International Women's Day doodle highlights a group of women sharing knowledge across generations, with a quilt symbol embroidered with the Years of Progress creation."

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